Prune Face Rifle

Coming soon…
Easy to use, the Prune Face rifle accessory holder is supplied in 2 parts – BASE and TOP PLATE – and are specifically designed to accompany the GW Acrylic LASER cases.
All holders are produced from Archival grade UV acrylic sheet (UV 99%+) to ensure the very best protection for your collection.
We like to access our collectibles and have the freedom to change things up therefore we recommend Bostik Removeable Glue Dots which are acid and lignin free and leave no trace on the surface of the case when removed.
> Check out the new accessory holder range over at the GW ACRYLIC site

Thomas Gill
Floating Prune Face Rifle
This is in my opinion one of the most scariest reproduction accessory on the market for these reasons.
- It floats… Yes loads of repro do but people still use this method of testing religiously.
- Prune is a mid to low range figure, I mean he’s not expensive. Not really a major focus figure and certainly not like any last 17 where you would really check those overly expensive accessories.
- This isn’t a well documented reproduction , mainly because it’s under the radar.
- These have been sold by the maker for years.
Points of interest are:
- No EPM
- End of barrel is slightly thicker
- Main give away is the lack of iron sight at the end
- Thinner (pic4)
- More bendable compared to original
Please check yours. As I said above they’ve been around for a long time. Thanks for looking. Hope it helps.
Text & photos by Thomas Gill