Mexican “Copycat” Figures

These are not the BOOTLEGS you’re looking for…
Back in 2005, two characters were the very first custom figures offered as original bootlegs here in Mexico; Yak Face & Boba Fett. There’s also another infamous custom figure; ‘El Negrito’ but this one was made on small numbers & we will talk about him on different post. Then a wave of colourful, silicone, home-made custom figures came along, also offered as original bootlegs.
Around 2014 it went crazy… a whole new collection of custom figures flooded the market, always advertised, offered and sold as bootlegs not custom figures, bootlegs. Now, this is not about if we like them or not, it is about trying to be clear about what’s an original bootleg figure and the huge difference between that and a custom creation. Custom figures doesn’t sell as good as original bootlegs, as simple as that. All these figures, since the very first ones are just custom creations made in order to mimic something they are not and NO, time will not turn them in to bootlegs, in 2029 they will, still be, custom figures.
So if you like them, good, have a blast collecting them, it seems like it is a never ending collection and some of them are really cool just be aware that they are not bootlegs, just because they sold them in the street markets of Mexico. We made a huge album with lots of pictures of all these custom creations, take a look, we hope this information helps you some how.
- 8-D8
- 2-1B
- Admiral Ackbar
- ATAT Driver
- ATST Driver
- Bib Fortuna
- Biker Scout
- Boba Fett
- Bossk
- Boushh
- C3PO
- Cantina Band
- Chewbacca
- Cloud Car Pilot
- Darth Vader
- Emperor
- Ewoks
- Gamorrean Guard
- Greedo
- Hammerhead
- Han Hoth
- IG88
- Jabba
- Jawa
- Klaatu Skiff
- Lando Skiff
- Luke Bespin
- Max Rebo
- Nien Nunb
- Nikto
- Prune Face
- Rancor Keeper
- Ree Yees
- Salacious Crumb
- Snaggletooth
- Squid Head
- Stormtrooper
- Tusken Raider
- Weequay
- Yak Face
- Yoda
- Zuckuss
- Mixed UnArt Figures
Poch Stormtrooper Guide
Lili Ledy Stormtrooper Guide
Top Toys Stormtrooper Guide
Bootleg Stormtrooper